When I was a child, I loved the movie Aladdin! The very thought of being able to make a wish or ask for something and it would simply appear, seemed to be amazing! A lot of people treat their relationship with God like Aladdin. He doesn't work that way. Matthew 7:7-8 does state, Ask, Seek and Knock. I need you to know that there are levels to your request. 

You have to make sure that what you're asking for is lined up with the will of God. You have to have the patience to wait on God. God's timing is perfect. God has the ability to bless you immediately, but you have to be in position to be able to receive what it is that God has for you. 

Always remember, the devil is like a roaring lion. He will stalk you and wait until you're in the middle of a storm to attack you. He has the ability to bless you with what you think you want. What God has for you is better then what the devil is willing to give you. Ask, Seek an Knock and Wait on God. His timing is impeccable! 

1 Comment

michael over 2 years ago

I think people get caught up in the asking and forget about the seeking. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. I think if we spend more time seeking him, we will find more understanding to our answers when ask.

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